
You're AWESOME at Marketing

and you don't even know it.

I've written about this in the past and will continue to bring light
on to this subject...

You Already Know More Than You Think

MLM is simply marketing. Marketing is simply your tool.

What are you using this tool for?

Think long and hard about that because this will provide
you the fuel for the journey. If your reason for using this
tool is shallow and unrefined then you won't make it very

You'll run out of gas.

OK, now that you know that MLM is marketing and marketing
is a tool We Can Move On.

Marketing is about connecting with those who want or need you.

How are you going to connect?

It all starts with knowing what you can offer (and remember it's
more than you think) and knowing about those you are trying
to connect with.

Do you see a theme here?


It's about understanding people; both yourself and others.
It's not only understanding people but having a sincere
desire to connect with others...


Yeah buddy. It's not hard. Read the above again and think...

Then apply.

Hey! Your're Awesome At Marketing.

People and relationships are the foundation to your success.
You can and should refine your cold and warm market strategies
and you should seek more efficient and effective ways to conduct
your internet marketing (and I can help with that).....

But if you don't have the relationship foundation it does not
matter how many people you can attract to you.

If you want residual then build people and build relationships.
If you want a job simply focus on blasting out auto responders
and looking for sign up bonuses.

Love people, use money. Love people, use MLM.

Hey! You're Awesome At Marketing.

Courtney David Roth
Fast Marketing Genius

8 Briar Place
Joplin, MO 64804

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