
I want to give you the Midas Touch for your business

Generally speaking, we run into each other at networking events in hopes of gaining exposure for our ourselves and what we do. Rarely, however, do we have the time to really delve into what makes our businesses "tick." This got me to thinking a while back, so I decided to ask a few of you: "Whats the most important thing to a small biz owner in today's economy?" Overwhelmingly, most of you said "MONEY!" So I started doing some research and incredibly, what I found was in my own back yard. A small business that not only specializes in finding money for people like you and I, but a reputable company that adheres to the same principles I do. This company prides itself on helping small business owners find capital, and more importantly they spend time educating their clients on things such as personal and business credit.

Over the next couple of months I am going to be adding a series of posts introducing you to Darrell Hornbacher and the Midas Financial Company. Odds are many of you know Darrell already. He has obtained over $260,000,000 for his Colorado clients in the last 5 years. You might be one of them.

Our goal in this series is to educate you on both personal and business credit, and to make you aware of all the financial tools available to small biz owners. It is amazing what you can find, if you just know where to look! I hope you'll join me in welcoming Darrell as he explains in detail the many things you have at your disposal. Please stay tuned for more....

To your success!

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