Here it is - DAY TWO - and the second of your 12 Days Of Gifts! So many great things to ENJOY! Grab 'em up... and if you're feeling generous, forward to a friend. |
Extravagant Gift...
Today's gift is really TWO gifts in one...
#1: 60-Minute Insider Interview >>
How to Get Featured on the News with
FOX TV New Anchor Jim Brown ($47 value)
Learn who to contact in the media to get on television to promote yourself and your business. You'll discover how to contact them... exactly what you should say (and shouldn't say)... some of the most common mistakes that people make... and much more.
JIM BROWN is an award-winning journalist and three-time winner of the Associated Press Best Newscast Award. He is currently an anchor with FOX... but he's also worked with NBC, ABC, and CBS.
#2: Audio Program >> Unleash Your Millionaire
($47 value)
Listen to this Celebrity Ego Boost™ audio training daily for one month (don't worry, you only have to listen a few minutes each day), to Unleash Your Millionaire! This mp3 will help you think bigger and step into a life that is filled with freedom, power and wealth.
This training includes training, as well as a powerful morning focus and evening focus. Listen to this mp3 as you get started in the morning (and get ready for bed at night)... so you can keep thinking, feeling, and taking action like a celebrity.
Rave Review...
"Ingrid helped me establish my image and who I am in the marketplace (the term "Get Published Coach" came out of our work together). Before that I had been struggling for over four years to figure out my brand identity. I knew that I had a valuable service to offer... but I couldn't (for the life of me), figure it out. I met with some of the top branding experts in the world, and I still couldn't get it. After just a couple of months working with Ingrid, we got that handled. And my business has now grown five-fold.
Since I started working with Ingrid, my monthly income has increased 5 times. Some months, I've earned 10 times my average! Ingrid's level of support is extraordinary. She'll teach you the nuts and bolts of what to do, help you identify who you are and what makes you special... and how you can get that across to the right people so you can attract customers that you would really love to work with.
Another key piece that I can't stress enough is the mindset. Ingrid has lots of tools that she's given me to help me keep a positive mindset, and stay focused on my goals. That mindset piece is what I feel makes the biggest difference between doing okay and really blasting off. If Ingrid has invited you to work with her, take her up on it. It will be the best decision you've ever made."
- Robin Hoffman, Get Published Coach
Denver, CO, USA |
Tasty Tidbit...
 Do you have a big dream and vision for you and your business? Are you setting goals that you are going to make millions of dollars (but so far you haven't met that goal)? Don't worry, sometimes it can take time to allow yourself (yes, allow yourself) to become the millionaire you know you were born to become. Trust and the right mindset are the key ingredients to taking the next step...
If you are struggling to ATTRACT more wealth... the first step is for you to start WALKING, TALKING, and ACTING like your full potential, this very moment. You have to step into your BIG celebrity self, in order to create the tomorrow you dream of... it starts with becoming who you want to be TODAY... having that faith and belief in yourself... then creating a plan and taking action. Finally, you must ALLOW IT to happen. Yes, you can't be afraid, you can't lose your vision and focus, you must believe day after day, and not let go of your goal. Stop doing what doesn't work, evaluate your beliefs and actions, and measure whether they're getting you the results you want. If not, stop doing those things. Take new action, and create a detailed plan that will allow you to become a millionaire. How much do you need to make per year in your business, etc? You are the one creating how much money you make, what kind of clients you attract, you are the one in charge of whether you are going to be a millionaire.
What you think today, will become your tomorrow... |
About Ingrid Elfver
Ingrid Elfver is a Celebrity Consultant and Founder of Born Celebrity™ helping entrepreneurs around the world become more of a celebrity in their niche, business, or industry.
Some of the stars Ingrid has met and/or had as neighbors, clients, and friends include: Olivia Newton-John, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mickey Rourke, Julie Andrews, Demi Moore, Dan Akroyd. Michael Bay, Heather Locklear, Sylvester Stallone, Don Johnson, Jon Voight, Bruce Willis, Rosanne Barr, Tom Arnold, Princess Stephanie of Monaco, Burt Reynolds, Rod Stewart, Charlie Sheen, Hugh Hefner, and many more.
According to Ingrid, everyone's a celebrity... and being a "true" celebrity isn't just about being rich and famous. It's about being authentic, loving yourself and your life, and doing all you can to make a positive difference in the world. Ingrid's clients are drawn to her authenticity, her fierce belief in them, her ability to make people at every level achieve more, her sometimes-scary ability to see their gifts (as well as the negative patterns and blocks holding them back), and her pure heart (Ingrid's an ordained bishop who's spent thousands of hours in silence and meditation, and she's viewed by many as a "spiritual guru").
Ingrid is also a reluctant Social Media expert. Years ago, when she couldn't find a simple system that would allow people to become a "Social Media Superstar" she created one. Ingrid's Social Media Conversion System is the only proven system guaranteed to help entrepreneurs get tens of thousands of followers on social media, and convert a lot of them into paying customers. Learn more about Ingrid at or call 800-246-0106.
*A Note From Rebekah: In the spirit of The Season Of Giving - I have decided to create a special series of messages JUST FOR YOU consisting purely of GIFTS that I know you will enjoy. I have asked some of my most-respected colleagues to GIVE you their very best stuff. Stuff that anywhere else you might pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to enjoy, that YOU are going to be receiving "on the house". I am calling it "12 Days Of Gifts".
Over the next 12 days you will get at least one fabulous gift from me each day. All you have to do is open - and enjoy. It will be like getting to open a different package every morning! Each gift is guaranteed to contain tremendous value, so I hope you will take advantage of each and every one. And at the end I'll give you an exclusive sneak peek at all the great things we're launching for you on January 1, 2012 - TWO WEEKS before anyone else gets to see them! ENJOY - and Merry Christmas!