
Who ARE You? Secrets to crafting your online identity.

"your online identity becomes the sum total of the information you share online." - Tara Gentile

It is a long standing fact that people want to do business with people they know, like, and trust. So just how exactly do you build that relationship with people you have never met before, who may live thousands of miles away, and have no pre-exisiting reason to connect with you?

 You develop your online identity. You establish yourself via your blog, website, or social media portals by sharing authentic, relevant, compelling information that attracts those who want what you have. You nurture the virtual relationships you anticipate building by sharing. Not just about your business, but about you as a real person.

In her article, "the art and business of crafting your online self.", blogger Tara Gentile talks about how she grew her value and influence among her followers by sharing the most interesting and helpful information she could find. She began to cultivate her authority on her areas of expertise, and as her authority grew, her network, as well as her online identity because of the value she provided to her community.

You can read Tara's thoughts on crafting your online identity at:

and you can pick up some more great tips on why "Who You Are Matters" at Thu Nguyen's blog:

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